Book Review: Adventures in Diviniand by Nancy Olawale
Great creativity can be harnessed at any age, as proved by an exciting and wonderful new book from young aspiring writer, Nancy Olawale. Based in Worcestershire, England, Nancy has many hobbies and interests, including netball, music, the violin, psychology, drawing, and animation. Alongside all of this, and inspired through reading other adventure and fantasy stories, Nancy has crafted a novel ideal for children aged 9 to 14, and it was written when she was just 11 years old.

Diary of a Debut Novelist: Publication
The biggest lesson I got from publication was just how much of it is a team effort. Years of typing away alone in your room gets you to a Word document; it takes many people to make that a real life book.

How to Boost Your Online Presence as an Author in 6 Easy Steps
Introducing Rudo Muchoko’s guest blog series, in which the author of Awakening the Power of Self-Publishing, The Ultimate Guide, runs through a short series of tips for a better publishing experience.

Author Spotlight: Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells - Secrets in Scarlet
Rising up from the sinister depths of the Arkham Horror universe comes a brand new anthology from Aconyte Books, providing a banquet of conspiracy, mystery and no end of chills. Secrets in Scarlet is a collection of thematically linked horror stories surrounding just a few of Arkham Horror’s characters and the otherworldly forces controlling their destiny.

Social media for writers: A beginner’s guide
Declaring that as a society we are fairly dependent on social media may be a significant understatement. Almost everybody has a social media account and we each spend a large amount of each day, scrolling on Twitter, liking photos on Instagram, watching TikTok videos and stalking old friends on Facebook.

Diary of a Debut: Anxiety
Anxiety (noun) - an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future.
Each one of us once faced such a problem of uneasiness, vulnerability or worry. This week Jenna Adams told her side of the story and how she has dealt with it. To check it out, visit our blog page Diary of a Debut Novelist: Anxiety.

The Advantages of an Author Website
Do I really need an author website? Is it worth the time? Will it actually help me sell more books?
I’ve heard it all before, the short answer is; yes, yes and absolutely yes! But if you are not convinced, I have compiled a list of the top advantages of creating an author website.

Introducing… The Elephants Trunk
Championing diversity in children’s literature is a challenge for today’s publishers. Many children do not feel ‘seen’ in the stories that they read. While there has been a general shift towards more representation, the market is still some way short of the mark. Thankfully Teresa and Derek Bellamy may have devised a unique and wonderful solution to this task.

How to Launch your Book Online
A quick guide on the basics you need to hit as an author launching your book online.

Diary of a Debut: Marketing
This week Jenna Adams @jennaadamsbooks documents ins and outs of her journey on publishing her book with @neemtreepress.
What it's like, when you have to promote your own book? What is beneficial for book promotion? How to get started?

Book Review: Sunflower by Aleksandr Jarid
Aleksandr Jarid is quick to set the tone of the book, pulling readers hard and fast into the complex thought process of the central protagonist, and holding them there for the duration of the novel.

How to be an Author in the Digital Age.
Nowadays, being an author is about so much more than just writing a great book. Authors must become their own marketeers: you'll need a website, social media content, an email list, a handle on events management, book tours... the list goes on. So how do you go about becoming a successful author in the modern day?

Author Spotlight: S.N. Sippy
Concepts like re-incarnation are part and parcel of life in certain cultures. I am an actor and have the opportunity to brush with creative people fairly regularly. I also think that one's age and the experiences one gathers along the way can reflect in one's writing.

Diary of a Debut: The Call
This week on the Diary of Debut blog Jenna Adams talks about her experience getting a call from the publisher. Talks about her encounter with Neem Tree Press.

Author Spotlight: You Are (Not) Deadpool - Tim Dedopulos
He's way more self-aware than most other heroes, despite his ever-changing nature. That makes him ideal for what is, after all, an interactive medium.

Author Spotlight: Marsheila Rockwell
Good characters need to have problems and motivations that readers can relate to. You don't necessarily have to make them likeable - you just have to make them feel real.

Diary of a Debut: Cover Designs
Debut author Jenna Adams offers an insight into the behind-the-scenes of a writer’s process.

Diary of a Debut: Editing
Debut author Jenna Adams offers an insight into the behind-the-scenes of a writer’s process.