An Interview With… Mem Ferda
Today on the blog we speak to author Mem Ferda, author of HAPPYAGONY.

An Interview With… Philip Tyler
An interview with indie writer Philip Tyler, author of the Landscapes of Love series.

An Interview With… Kendall Kenneth Folkhardt
An interview with indie writer Kendall Kenneth Folkhardt, author of Thirteen Thousand Lonely Nights

Author Spotlight: S.N. Sippy
Concepts like re-incarnation are part and parcel of life in certain cultures. I am an actor and have the opportunity to brush with creative people fairly regularly. I also think that one's age and the experiences one gathers along the way can reflect in one's writing.

Author Spotlight: You Are (Not) Deadpool - Tim Dedopulos
He's way more self-aware than most other heroes, despite his ever-changing nature. That makes him ideal for what is, after all, an interactive medium.

Author Spotlight: Marsheila Rockwell
Good characters need to have problems and motivations that readers can relate to. You don't necessarily have to make them likeable - you just have to make them feel real.

Author Spotlight: Martin Venning
Features writer Ash Jacob dives into the work of author Martin Venning.