For the Love of Roman - Phillip Pavlović - Review
For the Love of Roman is a marvellous exercise that blends historical storytelling, drama, and surrealism which is guaranteed to catch most who read it off guard with its power, beauty and drama.

Book Review: Trust Me, I’m a Care Worker by Chris Bulteel
Chris Bulteel‘s life has been somewhat exceptional. Alongside a career in catering that lasted 30 years, he also became Mayor of two different towns and gained the extremely rare accolade of Sheriff in one of them. But arguably most remarkable, is his career in the care sector, where through a great deal of hard work he reached a senior position before humbly retiring.

Book Review: Unleash The Magnificent You! by Christopher Bradbury
Do you have goals in life but can’t seem to get on the right path? Or maybe you have problems and aren’t sure how to solve them. The good news is you are not alone, and fortunately, there is a book that just might help you with these conundrums and a great deal more beyond.

The Importance of Book Reviews
Book reviews are a vital part of publishing and always will be. Ash Jacob tells us a few obvious, and not so obvious, reasons why book reviews continue to exist, and why they should not be taken for granted.