The Ongoing Melody Of My Family Saga by Liberto Orrego - REVIEW
Liberto Orrego is a Chilean primary school teacher and writer. By writing The Ongoing Melody Of My Family Saga, Orrego shows his deep passion for knowledge. His writing has led him to create stories that delve into the complexities of human nature and the essence of being human in our modern age.

Grandad’s Chair by Michael Price - REVIEW
Grandad's Chair by Michael Price is a captivating older children's fantasy novel. The story follows 13-year-old MIles Maltborough, who lives in Scarton, a fictional small town in North Yorkshire. It is set in the early 1980s, long before mobile phones and when only four UK TV channels existed.

For the Love of Roman - Phillip Pavlović - Review
For the Love of Roman is a marvellous exercise that blends historical storytelling, drama, and surrealism which is guaranteed to catch most who read it off guard with its power, beauty and drama.