In Conversation with Josh Reynolds, author of Last Resort.
Read our latest author interview with Josh Reynolds. He tells us all about his latest book (Last Resort), his creative process, and advice for aspiring authors.

In Conversation with Chris Bulteel, author of Fogarty.
Read our latest author interview with Chris Bulteel. He tells us all about his latest book (Fogarty: The Strange Take of Fogarty Maximus and Other Dragons), his writing process, and advice for aspiring authors.

In Conversation with Gareth Edwards, author of Magic Nana.
Children’s author, Gareth Edwards, shares his own insight into what it’s like to publish a children’s book with Magic Mouse Books, working with illustrators and advice to aspiring authors.

In Conversation with Koushik Banerjea, author of Another Kind of Concrete.
We interviewed Koushik Banerjea about his debut novel, Another Kind of Concrete. Read on for an exclusive look at his amazing book trailer!