The Octunnumi - Trevor Alan Foris
Trevor Alan Foris… the elusive, evasive yet omnipresent enigma – the ultimate nomad, gives the word reclusive new meaning. Not known for his tact and diplomacy, and with a propensity for getting his own way, Trevor likes nothing more than voicing his own opinion and is happiest when doing so. Having been around longer than anyone is brave enough to mention, he has perhaps earned the right to do things on his terms. Wise beyond words, Trevor is immensely proud of his role of confidant and adviser. An inimitable record keeper, with an extensive back catalogue, he is hopeless at Gintmops, finding his abilities hampered, but quite adept at Maliodd, albeit by cheating. As a practising Onistccenian, his second love is animals; the first being himself. He is, however, rather fond of this planet and feels it such a waste should measures not be taken to preserve it. #BecauseThereIsNoPlanetB This is Trevor’s first foray into the world of fiction – because that is of course what this is, fiction, and not real on any level – and he should currently be working on the second of the twelve volumes in the series that is The Octunnumi Fosbit Files… however, he has yet to convince Meg to work with him again (Lorin, of course ever the professional, is poised at the ready). Trevor’s constant companion is his cat, Eltidds. Eltidds is, naturally, a black cat.
GENRE: High Fantasy
The Octunnumi does not exist. Fosbit and any files relating to a Fosbit do not exist. The Tarelen peoples that protect and provide sanctuary for the Avitens of Fethrist are not real. The abilities of the Tarelen peoples with their heightened skills, living in their Utopian world are myth, their purpose here mere tales; rumours of their reincarnations enabling them to live many lives… ridiculous! And there is definitely no magic. None at all. No, really, there isn’t.