Judas the Hero - Martin Davey

Martin studied Art at the Central Saint Martin’s School of Art in Covent Garden. He later ventured into the world of advertising, serving as a copywriter and creative director at some of London's most renowned agencies. He has lived and worked in Amsterdam and Barcelona. He has driven a speedboat on the Costa Del Crime, peeled onions for pasties in Devon, erected scaffolding all over London, and now writes full-time. He lives in Kent with his wife, two children, and their English Bulldog, Boba, named after the deadliest bounty hunter from a galaxy far, far away.

GENRE: Urban Fantasy Magical Realism


Judas the Hero is the first book in the Black Museum series featuring the most unexpected and unlikeliest of heroes – Detective Inspector Judas Iscariot. Cursed with immortality by an angry and vengeful God for the crime of all crimes, Judas must police and protect London’s mysterious and macabre underworld.



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